SignalShark – The ideal receiver

According to the standards of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the SignalShark is very close to being an ideal receiver. This is mainly due to its extremely large dynamic range. The extremely high dynamic range (HDR) of the SignalShark brings clear advantages and guarantees that it can reliably measure even the weakest signals in the presence of very strong signals. Along with its excellent mixers and amplifiers, a preselector is also used to achieve this. The excellent dynamic range of the SignalShark is reflected in its intrinsic noise level (DANL) and the so-called large signal immunity parameters, which are the second and third order intermodulation products (IP2 and IP3). It is important that these three parameters are always stated for the same settings of the instrument (e.g. no attenuation, no preamplifier) as they vary considerably according to the settings.

For more information, please refer to our brochure or ask your sales partner directly for an equipment demonstration.